Capture Ibiza's Summer Glow
Picture yourself strolling along the picturesque streets of Ibiza, basking in the warm sun, and feeling the gentle breeze on your skin. Now, imagine bringing the island's vibrant energy and captivating beauty into your very own home.

With Dutch Furniture’s latest Summer In Ibiza Collection, we invite you to embrace the Mediterranean Golden Mood and transform your space into a haven of summer bliss. This premium selection of modern furniture, lighting, and décor have been crafted by some of the most sought-after interior brands; Polspotten, Dutchbone, Fatboy, Zuiver, and Bold Monkey.

3 Easy Interior Design Tips Inspired by Summer In Ibiza

1. Infuse your color palette with sunset, ocean and sky hues. Let those rejuvenating island hues inspire your interior design. Incorporate warm tones like orange, golden yellow, and dusty blue into your furniture, accessories, and décor. These shades will infuse your space with a touch of the magical Ibiza ambience.

Check out these lovely pieces that will leave a sun-kissed glow to your space: Set of 2 Tango Contemporary Dining Chairs by DF, Peggy Accent Chair and Dot Yellow Accent Stool by Pols Potten

2. Embrace laid-back bohemian vibes. Ibiza radiates with a relaxed and carefree lifestyle. Embrace the bohemian spirit by incorporating furniture pieces with natural textures, such as this Toyko Rattan Chair by Pols Potten, Ramas Oval Jute Rug by By-Boo, and Rumour Rattan Room Divider by Dutchbone. Mix and match patterns and textures to create a vibrant and eclectic look. 

3. Make a statement with accent pieces. Remember, when it comes to accent pieces, it's all about balance. Choose a few standout items that embody the elegance of Ibiza. 

Take a look at these head-turners: the Red Fist ChairDecorative Watering Can  and this chic Gas Fish Jar Set  by Pols Potten. 

Explore our Collection and make your Ibiza Holiday dreams come true every day.

Island vibesSummer interior decorSummer style interiorSummer trends 2023